Votes from users under 15 reputation
Since votes on comments don’t generate any reputation they don’t result in the notification of a change in reputation to the author.
Votes on answers (and questions) by any user allowed to vote ...
Reputation from sister sites should be considered
For such suggestion I think it must be asked on MSE, but please validate if it was already asked in the past there. I would not migrate directly as often duplicate get downvoted a lot on MSE
I think ...
- 17.5k
No rep refund after bounty expired?
Yes, this is correct - bounties are non-refundable.
There are many reasons why you might have not get an answer:
no one is interested in it or at least no one knowing a solution
it's also strictly ...
Why can i still not ask questions?
I cannot answer for Stack Overflow, but here on Server Fault, you are not banned.
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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