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22 votes

I will no longer be moderating SF

Michael, I am truly saddened by your news but heartened that you are able to deliver it to us yourself. I hope that your continued treatment works, is not further complicated by the Covid-19 crisis ...
user9517's user avatar
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12 votes

Why does EEEA get to do what ever he wants and close questions because he wants proof of troubleshooting?

I am not a judge, but the ServerFault community did elect me to help ensure that questions and answers exchanged here meet certain standards. In the case of your question, not enough details were ...
EEAA's user avatar
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11 votes

I will no longer be moderating SF

As one of the simple users, not even often here, let met thank you on our behalf. Moderators do a ton of work for all of us, and almost all of it is done behind the scene, and they are rarely thanked ...
Olivier Dulac's user avatar
10 votes

Why does EEEA get to do what ever he wants and close questions because he wants proof of troubleshooting?

Firstly, your question wasn't a question. It was a statement of a problem that you're having. What should our response be? "Cool story, bro. Good luck." What were you expecting as a response to your ...
joeqwerty's user avatar
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6 votes

post put on hold, no feedback, edited it several times, made comments but no reply from mods for days, now closed im blocked from new questions

Closing a question (same thing as putting it on hold) has nothing to do with being encouraging or not. It's a way to pause activity on a question while issues with it are being resolved. Your ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar

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