Massive Spam Attacks since couple of days
You can get an overview of the current issues many SE moderators are having with the company by reading the recent posts here on meta.SF That will lead you, if you're interested, to many more posts ...
Homepage spammed
I'm not a regular of Server Fault, but I figured I'd just reiterate what Makyen said in the comments in the form of an answer, as I am a participant in Charcoal, the group that runs Smoke Detector.
Homepage spammed
Yeah, I've been fighting this group of spammers since the Oscars. SmokeDetector is why it hasn't been seen much by people, but has been a real thorn in the side of the moderators. I managed to ...
- 135k
Massive Spam Attacks since couple of days
What Ward says about Smoke Detector is correct. We are keeping an eye on the sites that seem to be a big target. In this case we've added some regex to block phrases in titles that we've been seeing ...
Posting a link to a site with list
The question is only about if IIS natively supports SFTP. Two answers clearly state this isn't the case, thus the question has been answered.
Adding a third answer with just your list as an added ...
One of my answers keeps getting spammed
After applying minimal mod-hammer and locking only your answer, I had to lock the whole question since the spam edits started on another answer.
Posting a link to a site with list
Some general suggestions (then some comments on this specific case):
Since the external site you're maintaining isn't commercial, it should be ok to post a link to it along with a note that you ...
Why can't we black list questions with description contain mobile number and string loans?
To let it know the site can make such regex but via the smoke detector’s bot. (Which is no longer an option during the strike, as the bot is turned off)
In exemple before the moderator strike we asked ...
- 17.5k
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
spam × 21discussion × 14
support × 5
spammer × 5
feature-request × 2
status-completed × 1
bug × 1
moderation × 1
suggested-edits × 1