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9 votes
2 answers

Reboot is a stupid tag. There, I said it

Whenever I see a question that has reboot as the only tag, I want to punch a baby. Let's get rid of it. Do it for the kids.
MDMarra's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Merge [amd64] and [x64]

amd64 and x64 mean the same. On superuser they are synonyms.
kinokijuf's user avatar
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"ca" vs. "certificate-authority" tags

It appears that ca and certificate-authority are redundant. How about a synonym? It doesn't appear that any ca questions are referring to "Computer Associates".
wfaulk's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to get rid of a synomym

Having just gone past the 2500 mark I took a look at the existing tags. To my astonishment suse is mapped to sles. This is not correct (SuSE has two branches - OpenSuSE and SLES). So General ...
Nils's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Should [leopard] be [os-x-leopard]?

We don't have 7, but rather we have windows-7. By the same token, there seem to be a lot of "cat name only" tags out there that, I believe, should be prefixed with os-x, making it os-x-leopard instead ...
MDMarra's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the difference between "balancing" and "load-balancing" tags?

What's the difference between balancing and load-balancing tags? Should they be merged and made synonyms?
David Cary's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Powershell tags

I reccomed a synonyms for the Tags Powershell and Powershell-v2.0. Formerly people speak about the first version of Powershell like Porwershell and about the second version like Powershell v2. But ...
Ricardo Polo Jaramillo's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Apache tags - a bit of a mess?

So, we've got apache, which is the second most popular tag on the site. It's a superset of the versions of it - apache2, apache2.2, apache1.3; and apache2 is essentially a superset of 2.0, 2.2, and ...
Shane Madden's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Tag merge request: 4kb-sector into advanced-format

4kb-sector is a duplicate of advanced-format and should be merged into the latter - perhaps retaining 4kb-sector as a synonym of advanced-format, as some people may not know the Advanced Format term.
RichVel's user avatar
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1 answer

Windows Deployment Service tag synonymous to WDS tag

Window Deployment Service is a technology include in Windows 2008 R2 for deployment microsoft operating systems using the LAN. It's often shortened as WDS. windows-deployment-services and wds are ...
Ricardo Polo Jaramillo's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Virtual Hosting tags [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Tag synonym/merge: virtual{host,hosts,-hosting,-hosts} I am not sure if i should post this kind of things here. Should I? I recommend that the tags: virtualhosts, virtual-...
Ricardo Polo Jaramillo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What happened to the apc tag?

A few months back I asked about a retag-request for the apc tag because of the confusion between the PHP APC opcode cache and APC meaning American Power Systems backup power supplies. I just noticed ...
Chris_O's user avatar
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Synonyms for DNS Tags

I've just been around filling in some tag wikis for a bunch of DNS related tags, and I noticed the following: a-record cname ptr a-record doesn't fit the same naming scheme as the rest. Probably ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
6 votes
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Retag: sunsolaris10 → solaris-10, sunsolaris → solaris

I suggest adding sunsolaris10 as an synonym to solaris-10. As well, add sunsolaris as an synonym to solaris. The bare name is more correct.
MikeyB's user avatar
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0 votes
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Synonym SBS-2008 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Tag merge request for Microsoft Windows Small Business Server tags Looks to be a good synonym candidate. sbs-20xx seems to be the standard with all the other tags as well. ...
Nixphoe's user avatar
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2 answers

Retag or Synonym Script(s)(ing)

I'm not sure how all the retag or synonyms work, so if I'm barking up the wrong tree, could someone explain the difference between the two? I noticed that there is a tag for scripts which has 26 Qs, ...
Nixphoe's user avatar
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3 answers

Retagging for new products: terminal-services vs. remote-desktop-services

As I recently had experience with, Microsoft changed the name of terminal-services (Windows Server 2003) to remote-desktop-services (Windows Server 2008). At time of writing, these tags have 111 and ...
Andrew's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Alias throttle to throttling

Right now both throttle and throttling exist, with the larger batch of questions tagged with the throttle. They seem to be be about the same general thing, and throttling seems like a better choice to ...
Caleb's user avatar
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1 vote
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What is it called when you queue my bits?

So over on Unix and Linux we were chatting about how to tag questions related to traffic shaping. We thought we would check ServerFault for reference, but that led me to wonder just what exactly is ...
Caleb's user avatar
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2 votes
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[ios] matches Cisco's IOS and Apple's iOS

Apple had the wonderful idea to name its mobile operating system iOS, which was already used by Cisco Internet Operating System. There are hence 94 questions tagged ios, but only 82 of them contain ...
petrus's user avatar
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Server-2008 tag synonym

I hope I'm not bypassing the synonym process - IMO the tag server-2008 should be added as a synonym of windows-server-2008, and/or the existing 4 questions should be retagged. Thoughts, or will ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Do we really need a backup-exec-2010 tag when there's a perfectly good backupexec tag?

Is the rather recent spate of retagging of questions around Backup Exec with backup-exec-2010 by user KCotreau strictly necessary? We've already got a perfectly servicable backupexec tag, and my ...
growse's user avatar
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3 votes
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Retag or Synonym pxe & pxeboot

The tags pxe (89) and pxeboot (15) are the same thing. Could we create a synonym for these?
Bart De Vos's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Retag request: APC (Alternate PHP Cache) and APC (American Power Conversion) the power supplies.

There are lots of questions about uninterruptible power supplies that are improperly tagged as apc There also questions about web application performance and the Pecl PHP opcode caching package, APC, ...
Chris_O's user avatar
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What, in summary, are we supposed to do to clean up tags?

I know it's not a good question title... I'd like to have a question and short answer here on meta.SF that explains what - if anything - people can or should do to clean up tags. I've seen blog ...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Major retag projects

Our top three tags: linux apache windows Each of those three arguably has some kind of more meaningful version breakdown, and are in effect meta-tags defining which world the question resides in ...
sysadmin1138's user avatar
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Ubuntu and ubuntu-10.04 tag synonyms

Wanted to create a synonym there but being a version synonym it's not possible for mortals. How are the policies about versions and softwares btw?
coredump's user avatar
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Merge tags tunnel and tunneling

As per the title. There doesn't seem to me to be enough difference in meaning to have both tags.
John Gardeniers's user avatar
8 votes
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Bad Synonym for APT

I think that the apt tag shouldn't have been set to a synonym of apt-get but it should have been the other way around. apt is the technology, apt-get is one of many ways to use apt. Probably we ...
Zypher's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Merge 64 bit tags

I've just noticed there are currently 128 64-bit tags and 89 x64 tags. While that's a fair few of each I really think they should be merged before it gets much messier.
John Gardeniers's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Splitting vs. combining tags eg. [ubuntu], [windows]

The trend in tagging is towards merging tags and tag synonyms, so I imagine this will be quite contentious. Given the different default behaviours and configurations of different Ubuntu releases (6....
Andrew's user avatar
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How do I submit a tag synonym?

I notice that Squillman has entered some tag synonyms into the system that are currently pending. How does one do this?
Mark Henderson's user avatar
6 votes
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Retag [backupexec] to [backup-exec]?

On Server Fault, there are 56 tags [backupexec] and no [backup-exec] tags. This seems odd to me, as you would say it as Backup Exec (2 words), much like you would say Windows Server 2008 R2 as ...
Ben Pilbrow's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

SF retag: "esx" and "esxi" to "vmware-esx" and "vmware-esxi"?

At time of writing, there are questions tagged thus on ServerFault: 178 in "esx" 124 in "esxi" 48 in "vmware-esx" 45 in "vmware-esxi" 901 in "vmware": 115 also have "esx" 63 also have "esxi" 17 also ...
Andrew's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Retag 'registrar' and 'domain-registrar'

Personally I like 'domain-registrar' better but it seems as though 'registrar' gets used much more. Either way I don't think we need both tags. Also up for discussion: domain(213) domains(28) ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

SF Tag merge- tape and tapedrive?

On ServerFault, there are tags [tape] and [tapedrive]. [tape] has 40 questions, [tapedrive] has 3. It seems that [tape] is being used for all aspects of tape backup, including questions specific to ...
dsolimano's user avatar
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Retag request: serverfault hard-disk -> hard-drive

hard-disk (46) seems to be a less-commonly used synonym for hard-drive (157). I think it'd be worth merging the former into the latter, for cleanliness.
user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

SF Retag Request: [windows2000server] -> [windows-server-2000]

(EDIT: changed the request based on Eric's answer) To align to the convention we've created on SF. 12 questions currently tagged with [windows2000server] 15 tagged with [windows-2000-server] ...
squillman's user avatar
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