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Duplicate tags [graylog] and [graylog2]

We have these tags with the same description: graylog with 14 questions graylog2 with 71 questions The version history of Graylog is a bit confusing: It started as Graylog, then came Graylog2 (up to ...
Martin Schröder's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are these essentially the same tags?

I've noticed a lot of edits for microsoft-office-365 some of which I voted to accept some I didn't for various reasons. I've now noticed a few edits for exchangeonline and reviewed them in the normal ...
Drifter104's user avatar
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Does unzip (and un-other-compress) deserve its own tag?

Do we need both the tags zip and unzip? Or more generic: should we clean the un-$compress tags to $compress? Our should we even consolidate some of these tags into compression? Inspired by this ...
Hennes's user avatar
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Tag synonym: glacier -> amazon-glacier

There were only five questions tagged with glacier, so, going with the AWS tag convention, I created amazon-glacier and re-tagged these five questions. Please synonymize glacier to amazon-glacier.
EEAA's user avatar
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Merge [amd64] and [x64]

amd64 and x64 mean the same. On superuser they are synonyms.
kinokijuf's user avatar
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"ca" vs. "certificate-authority" tags

It appears that ca and certificate-authority are redundant. How about a synonym? It doesn't appear that any ca questions are referring to "Computer Associates".
wfaulk's user avatar
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SF Tag merge- tape and tapedrive?

On ServerFault, there are tags [tape] and [tapedrive]. [tape] has 40 questions, [tapedrive] has 3. It seems that [tape] is being used for all aspects of tape backup, including questions specific to ...
dsolimano's user avatar
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2 answers

Powershell tags

I reccomed a synonyms for the Tags Powershell and Powershell-v2.0. Formerly people speak about the first version of Powershell like Porwershell and about the second version like Powershell v2. But ...
Ricardo Polo Jaramillo's user avatar
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Rename scdpm tag

Quick: what does "scdpm" mean? If you guessed System Center Data Protection Manager, you're better with acronyms than I am. I found the tag through this question: Why does co-locating data use so ...
Joel Coel's user avatar
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Tag merge request: 4kb-sector into advanced-format

4kb-sector is a duplicate of advanced-format and should be merged into the latter - perhaps retaining 4kb-sector as a synonym of advanced-format, as some people may not know the Advanced Format term.
RichVel's user avatar
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Restructuring Atlassian tags

I just noticed that there is a tag atlassian which doesn't really servera purpose, since Atlassian isn't a single product, they produce a lot of products. There are tags for some products: fisheye: ...
Gerald Schneider's user avatar
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Tag Merge Requests: [request(s)] ---> [http-request]

These two tags: request (62 questions) and its twin requests (19 questions) have ambiguous meaning. It can means certificate request, HTTP request or perhaps my boss request. Almost all question ...
masegaloeh's user avatar
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HTTP result code tags

Thanks to Lucas Kauffman's wikitag activity I've noticed a number of HTTP return code tags like 404, 402, 302, 303, 500 and probably a whole number of others. They seem to be at least ambiguous to me, ...
the-wabbit's user avatar
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Splitting vs. combining tags eg. [ubuntu], [windows]

The trend in tagging is towards merging tags and tag synonyms, so I imagine this will be quite contentious. Given the different default behaviours and configurations of different Ubuntu releases (6....
Andrew's user avatar
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Tag cleanup - permissions tag

I noticed this today and wasn't sure if a Meta question was needed or not. Not sure on the procedure/care for consolidating tags such as this. It would seem to me that we could combine permissions, ...
TheCleaner's user avatar
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Tag merge tsql and t-sql

As per the title, the tsql and t-sql tags should be merged, synonymed or otherwise brought together. Hmmm, while trying to post this with just the above line, which is all the question needs, I got ...
John Gardeniers's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to get rid of a synomym

Having just gone past the 2500 mark I took a look at the existing tags. To my astonishment suse is mapped to sles. This is not correct (SuSE has two branches - OpenSuSE and SLES). So General ...
Nils's user avatar
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Retag or Synonym pxe & pxeboot

The tags pxe (89) and pxeboot (15) are the same thing. Could we create a synonym for these?
Bart De Vos's user avatar
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[ios] matches Cisco's IOS and Apple's iOS

Apple had the wonderful idea to name its mobile operating system iOS, which was already used by Cisco Internet Operating System. There are hence 94 questions tagged ios, but only 82 of them contain ...
petrus's user avatar
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Synonym request: [tcpip] --> [tcp]

tcp and tcpip are the same thing, right? Can we make tcpip a synonym for tcp, for clarity?
Shelvacu's user avatar
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Should the Tag #ansible-playbook be merged into the Tag #ansible?

It seems reasonable to have distinct tags for ansible, ansible-tower, and ansible-galaxy, as they are fundamentally different features/areas of the Ansible family. The Tag ansible-playbook by itself ...
0xSheepdog's user avatar
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Is [filter] about [filtering]?

Are filter and filtering the same thing? The former has the following tag except while the latter has none: Usually related with text filtering of some kind, like logs. This may also refer to email ...
iBug's user avatar
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Windows Deployment Service tag synonymous to WDS tag

Window Deployment Service is a technology include in Windows 2008 R2 for deployment microsoft operating systems using the LAN. It's often shortened as WDS. windows-deployment-services and wds are ...
Ricardo Polo Jaramillo's user avatar
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What happened to the apc tag?

A few months back I asked about a retag-request for the apc tag because of the confusion between the PHP APC opcode cache and APC meaning American Power Systems backup power supplies. I just noticed ...
Chris_O's user avatar
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Ubuntu and ubuntu-10.04 tag synonyms

Wanted to create a synonym there but being a version synonym it's not possible for mortals. How are the policies about versions and softwares btw?
coredump's user avatar
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Rename tag [parse] to [parse-server]

The parse tag refers to Parse Server and I suggest to rename it to parse-server to make the tag consistent with the parse-server tag on StackOverflow prevent using the tag for parsing related ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Let's patch up the [patch] tag!

I think the patch should be split into two tags: patch-panel and something to refer to patching a computer, perhaps software-patch would be a good name (I'm open to other options, though). Or, patch ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Proposal to merge Instances tag into instance

The instances tag seems to be a duplicate of instance. The proposal is to merge instances into instance and subsequently remove the instances tag.
030's user avatar
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Tags for specific software versions

What's the policy on tags for specific versions of a piece of software? For example, the php tag has the most use, but php4 and php5 are also being used, and there's even php5.3. Should any of these ...
mgorven's user avatar
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What is it called when you queue my bits?

So over on Unix and Linux we were chatting about how to tag questions related to traffic shaping. We thought we would check ServerFault for reference, but that led me to wonder just what exactly is ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Please silently tag rocky-linux

I just created rocky-linux and can see 16 questions searching rocky linux with only one noise result dated 2018. Given overall project support, I speculate this will increase, thus the tag. Can ...
Paul's user avatar
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Can the tags x and x11 be merged?

x has 42 questions x11 has 60 questions Interestingly, just today someone added a tag wiki for x11; my personal thought would have been that x should be used despite it having fewer questions.
Michael Hampton's user avatar
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Proposal for rename of tcp-offload-engine tag

The ServerFault stack exhange site has a tag named tcp-offload-engine: Practically all of the questions, however, are about partial forms ...
juhist's user avatar
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Synonym SBS-2008 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Tag merge request for Microsoft Windows Small Business Server tags Looks to be a good synonym candidate. sbs-20xx seems to be the standard with all the other tags as well. ...
Nixphoe's user avatar
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SSL and TLS synonyms should be reversed

I tagged my question tls but it appears to be a synonym of ssl. Considering TLS is over 25 years old and has long since replaced SSL, I think that ssl should be a synonym of tls and not the other way ...
miken32's user avatar
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Merge [tag:copy] and [tag:copying]

The tags copy and copying seem synonymous. Let's merge them?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-4 votes
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Merge [tag:hacking] into [tag:security]

hacking isn't substantively different from security in context, and it should be made a synonym. Shall it be done?
Falcon Momot's user avatar
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-6 votes
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Create [hostgator] tag?

I see there is a [dreamhost] tag. That's useful: I like to see what issues of [mediawiki] users are host-specific, because certain shared hosts can be quite painful. I notice there are 200 questions ...
Nemo's user avatar
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